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HEY THERE, love.

I'm Britt — a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner and womb healer who believes the key to unlocking our health, vitality, and fertility is creating a sacred relationship with our body.

For years I struggled with health challenges like chronic infections and varying degrees of depression. Yet the only "solutions" my providers had to offer were medications, and I knew there had to be another approach.

Thanks in great part to my own motherhood journey, I feel most called to serve women and their partners, as they navigate becoming parents. What I love so much about this sacred time is that most people are really motivated to optimize their health because they want what is best for their baby.

The healing women and their partners experience during preconception has the power to transform the health of their family lineage; not only will they and their children benefit, but these effects will go on to serve generations to come, and THAT is truly powerful. 

For me, the initiation into motherhood has been a soul journey, one that has gifted me a more loving relationship with my body, and brought me into deeper connection to the divine. I weave this wisdom with my clinical nursing experience, so that I can provide truly integrative support to my clients. I have had the honor of helping hundreds of women become mothers.

Functional Medicine is a root cause, rather than symptom focused, approach to care.

I wanted a more holistic way to take care of my health, and I wanted that for my patients as well, so I chose to pursue training in Functional Medicine.

It empowers people to take ownership of their health and partner with their healthcare team to address the underlying causes of their symptoms, and promote optimal wellness. 

Functional Medicine changed my life in so many ways but most especially as I began my transition into motherhood. My experience started with the devastating loss of my first pregnancy, which in turn led me to develop a whole host bizarre symptoms such as a chronic, painful rash around my eyes, insomnia, and gut issues. In retrospect I hadn't given my body (or my heart) the time and care she needed to heal from that loss, and she was trying to get my attention. My healing journey took nearly a year and was one of the most challenging experiences of my life, but from it I learned the importance of prioritizing preconception health. Today, I am a mother to three healthy boys, and I never take for granted what a miracle it is that they are here.

And now I'm here to help you do the same.

Never without

Flower Essences


Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising

probably listening to

A Health Podcast

Favorite Food


My Human Design


A few things I beleive

The universe won't task you with things you aren't equipped to handle.


Down-regulate your nervous so you can heal

Come experience our favorite lymphatic therapy treatment that supports whole body healing. Schedule your Flowpresso session today. 


Schedule a connection call

Learn more about my holistic approach to women's health and fertility care, and how working with me one-on-one can support you on your journey. 


Listen and learn from to the podcast

 Want access to women's health wisdom from a nurse practitioner and midwife? Tune in and join our community.

Are you ready to feel held and supported?

I would Be So Honored to Connect With You

Allowing someone to come alongside you on your fertility journey is deeply sacred and incredibly intimate. This is why I offer connection calls so we can feel into whether working together is in alignment.

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