Brittany Estrada

Alchemizing the wisdom of womb healing and the Science of functional medicine to overcome infertility

The Path to Motherhood Isn't Always Straightforward. Let's Give Your Body the Love and Care She Deserves, so that You Can Get Pregnant!

Ready to experience a different approach to fertility care?

You know in your heart there has to be another way to call in the baby you've been dreaming of, but you've yet to find it

Thus far your options have been to try countless medications, undergo dozens of invasive and sometimes painful procedures, and follow the conventional approach to force your body  to "perform." This approach can leave you feeling more like a pin cushion than a sacred vessel. Maybe you've endured months or even years of the agonizing two-week wait, only to feel the sting of disappointment. Maybe you've felt the sorrow of loss, and grieved the experience you thought you'd have. Chances are you've often felt more like a number than the unique and divine individual you are.

The idea of spending thousands and thousands of dollars and countless hours devoted to medications and ultrasounds seems so overwhelming, but no one has shown you a different path. There have been so many unknowns already, and no safe space to be held. There has been anger and isolation... and it has been nothing like how you imagined your transition into motherhood would be. Perhaps you've felt broken, like your body has betrayed you, and denied you of what you so deeply desire.
But I'm here to tell you that your incredible body is always on your side and the only thing she knows is that she loves and wants to keep you safe. Healing this disconnection from your body, from your womb, is deeply important medicine.

So if you're here, and you are ready for something radically different, I want to show you another way.

HEY sister!

I'm Britt, Your New Womb Healer and Fertility Guide

Over the last 4 years more than 70% of the clients who've come to see me for fertility support have gone on to birth healthy babies, even after failed conventional fertility treatments. With over a decade of experience as a holistic Nurse Practitioner, I combine functional medicine and sacred womb work to bring the body, heart, and soul into alignment. Supporting women in remembering the incredible potency of their wombs is my calling, and nothing brings me greater joy than walking with those who are ready to embrace motherhood. I'm here to tell you, there is another, more sacred path to parenthood and I'd love to be a part of your journey.

get to the Root

Personalized Medicine

I have walked with hundreds of women on their health and healing journeys and have learned so much along the way. Whether you've struggled with mysterious symptoms for YEARS, you are looking to increase your resilience, or you're ready to get pregnant, I would love to support you.

LEarn and Connect

The Podcast

Join me and my dear friend Dr. Erica Boland as we explore conversations about birth, women's health, and sacred spirituality on the Womb Women Podcast.

Prepare your Vessel

Womb Healing

Getting women to connect to their bodies is at the core of what I do because I know this is an essential part of the healing process. Womb work is an incredible way for us build a loving relationship with our body, so that we can {finally} access her incredible wisdom, and step into our fullest potential.

Begin Your Womb healing Journey

Feel More Connected to Your Innate Womb Wisdom in Just 5 Days! 

I've created a beautiful program in which I'll teach you my favorite womb healing practices, including the ones I use in my one-on-one client sessions. You'll come away with a treasure trove of self-guided practices to help you tap into your fertile, creative potential.

What mY clients are saying

“Brittany is like the wonderful magical unicorn in women's health!”

I'm a doula so I meet a lot of providers and this woman IS IT Y'ALL! She listens with open ears and an open soul, and truly hears what you are saying. She holds such a special space for women, especially when it comes to Infertility and recurrent miscarriage. Her regimens and suggestions are so simplistic and SO achievable. If you are TTC--let Britt get you pregnant!

— Liz


Is Your Womb Health the Reason You're Not Getting Pregnant?

Most of us are so disconnected from this space that we don't realize what our wombs are trying to communicate. Take this quick quiz to find out if your womb is giving you important clues about your fertility. 

Take the Quiz

Free Masterclass: Cycles, Seasons, and your Unique RHythm

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Did you know women are exquisitely
 sensitive to time, and disruptions to our natural rhythms can impact our health and fertility? I share all about this in my popular masterclass, which you can access for free! Just enter your details below and I'll send the recording your way.

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Are you ready to feel held and supported?

I would Be So Honored to Connect With You

Allowing someone to come alongside you on your fertility journey is deeply sacred and incredibly intimate. This is why I offer connection calls so we can feel into whether working together is in alignment.

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